This is the way I added SMD LED's to my Scalescenes station roof (Kit R005)
What you will need
SMD Led's warm white or bright light or what other colour you like (order more than you need, if you drop one they are hard to find again) I used size 1206 as I work in OO
The 1206 dimensions are: 3.2 x 1.6 x 1.1mm
The SMD came from Ebay, one seller is on this link
£0.99 plus P&P for 10 UK seller
Some adhesive conductive copper foil tape from ebay sold as slug repellent 3mm or 5 mm
Soldering Iron and solder
Sharp knife
Magnifying glass to see the SMD
Inner roof marked out for cutting slots to pass copper tape through
Copper Tape fitted to inside of roof the large tabs on end are for connecting to the next building part
Pass the tape through the card with the sticky side down on the inside, it makes soldering the LED's to it easier. Also cut the extra off so the two pads do not touch.
Copper Tape passed through the roof and connected together ready for soldering. Sticky side will be up on this side.
Tape after soldering, as the 3mm tape is sticky side up it takes the solder a bit more heat to take.
This is then covered with a printed sheet to cover tape, so all hidden. one thing to remember when covered you won't be able to get to copper tape.
One LED fitted ( I had 4 left over from the station I built so made this demo to take 4, as normal 1 pinged out of the tweezers never to been seen again so only 3 fitted)
Other two LED's fitted ( these LED's also have a cathode and anode there is a marking on the back)
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