Some 15 members joined us for the second Zoom meeting of the Cumbria Area Group on 11/09/20
John Farrell (North Wales Area Group ) gave us his interesting presentation on the CBUS beginners kit 101 which he was test building prior to its Kitlocker release. We were joined by Howard Watkins, well know MERG personality and creator of the build documentation for this kit.
The kit purposely contains boards from the original CBUS range including CANACC8 which requires some slight modification (additional parts are provided) , a CANACE8C which is a 5 Volt module powered from the CANACC8, an Experimenters kit and a 12 Volt DC supply with mains lead.
With the boards connected you are then able to create events without the need of a computer. A DIL switch on both main boards is used instead.
John had purchased separately a CANGIZMO board which is a very useful testing and debug tool.
A most useful discussion ensued.
It was suggested that we develop something to assist our members on getting started with programming Arduino. It was generally accepted that this would be useful and the idea is being developed. Watch out for further updates on the Blog.
It was noted that some of the other Area Groups are working on developing projects where interested members can contribute perhaps with a view to either exhibiting or publishing in the future.
Again the blog may be a useful way to share this information.
A video of the presentation might be made available at a later date.
Our thanks to John Farrell his presentation.
Next Cumbria Area Group meeting is planned for Friday 25th Sept. 14:00.
If you have not joined the Cumbria Group, you can edit your profile settings on the MERG site
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