Step 3 in this process was to get the Servo to rotate more slowly than before.
This is the modified Arduino Code
// the next block of code sets up a loop in the Program to rotate the Servo 1 step at a time.
// This way, we get a 'smooth' movement, rather than a sudden one
if (Inpchar=='A') { // checks Input character A for Anticlockwise
delay(300); // a wee pause (for dramatic effect!! )
for (int i = 0; i <= 135; i++) { // a variable i goes 1, 2, 3, 4 . . up to 135
servoPos = i; // send the new value to the Servo controller
delay(30); // a very wee pause (30 milliseconds)
// 30 milliseconds * 135 steps means 4,050 milliseconds, so just over 4 seconds
myServo.write(servoPos); // move the Servo to the new value of i (1, 2, 3, etc)
} // This is used in Arduino code to finish the Loop and go back to the "for" statement
// and then repeat the loop until it reaches 135.
Serial.print("H"); delay(2000); Serial.write("h");
} // This finishes off the "if" condition ( Look for the matching pairs of colours ) to help
// to understand the Program structure.
So far, there's no need to edit the VB Code. (Yet) 😂
Here's the full code for the Arduino Program
#include <Servo.h> // load up the Servo Library
char Inpchar; // Single Character Input
int servoPin=9; // allocates pin 9 to control the Servo
int servoPos =00; // Create a Variable for the Servo position, give it a starting value
Servo myServo; // Give the Servo a name
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin(9600); // Enable serial Communication
myServo.attach(servoPin); // allocate Pin 9 to control the Servo
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) // Check if Serial is enabled
{ Inpchar =;} // if it is then read a character
if (Inpchar=='E') {servoPos = 0;} // if the characer is E then set servoPos variable to a value of 0
myServo.write(servoPos); // return the Servo to the starting position
// the next block of code sets up a loop to rotate the Servo 1 step at a time
// so that we get a 'smooth' movement, rather than a sudden one
if (Inpchar=='A') { // checks Input character A for Anticlockwise
delay(300); // a wee pause (for dramatic effect!! )
for (int i = 0; i <= 135; i++) { // a variable i goes 1, 2, 3, 4 . . up to 135
servoPos = i; // give the Servo controller the new value
delay(30); // a very wee pause
myServo.write(servoPos); // move the Servo to the new value of i
Serial.print("H"); delay(2000); Serial.write("h"); // Sends information back to the VB Program
// Exactly the same logic except 'C' makes the Servo go clockwise
if (Inpchar=='C') {
for (int i = 0; i <= 135; i++) {
servoPos = (135 - i); // This is the clever line
// as i goes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 . . 135
// servoPos goes 135, 134, 133, 132 . . down to 0
Serial.print("L");delay(2000); Serial.print("l"); // More info. sent back to the VB Program
Inpchar = 'X'; // sets Inpchar to a 'Non Functional character
// so that it doesn't try and repeat the same action
All that this "upgrade" to the Program does is to make the Servo rotate from one position to another at a slower pace than the sudden change that happened before. Not much in the grand scheme of things, but on a display layout, connected to a set of points, it will look much better.
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