I have been using my PIC Programming Kit for a number of years.
In the main, I have downloaded the relevant Hex files from the MERG website and written them to whatever PIC was required, either for my own projects or for those of other members.
PICs can be significantly smaller than Arduino Nanos for example and as I sometimes model in N gauge, space matters.
Following a previous post on carriage lighting, I considered using Davy Dick's PMP 19 as a starting point.
Even a 12F675 PIC takes up a fair amount of room, but then I came across an SMD version of the same device.
It's much smaller and surprisingly cheaper than the original, but how the hell can you program them?
I found this device on AliExpress which simply plugs into the programmer using the standard pitched pins on the base. The SMD device sits on the top and a set of spring loaded pins then secures each pin above and below to ensure good contact.
Works an absolute treat. Now all I need to do is design an SMD circuit board and work out how to solder the damned thing.
If you need any PIC's programmed don't hesitate to contact me. I'm not at the stage of writing code myself yet although I have joined the JALSIG crew to hopefully change that in future.
Meanwhile, you will have to provide the Hex code.
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