At the 23rd October Meeting of the Cumbria Area Group, we were joined again by David Roberts to present the second of his talks on Power Supplies, this time covering Voltage Regulators for Electronics Modules. He covered linear regulators including the 78xx and 79xx series.
The important subject of regulator efficiency was discussed with the requirement of heatsinks to dissipate the unused energy.
How Power Supplies are designed and used was illustrated using some of the readily available MERG Kits including the 5 Volt Adaptor Module (Kit 60), 12 V from an ac supply PMP 6 ( Kit 806), the Universal PSU (Kit 920) and finally CANACC5 (Kit 85).
Then the much more efficient and more expensive switching regulators were covered towards the end of the talk, followed by a general question and answer session.
Andy Woolass has managed to record both of David's talks and I am delighted to let you know that these are now available on Channel 36 in the MERG TV section of the website.
If you are wondering how you burn your hands when you touch a regulator, have a look and all will be explained.
Our thanks again to David for a most informative talk
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