The North Wales Group are currently running a project on Shuttle boards.
This is an ideal project for those new to the hobby and is based on Davy Dick's Pocket Money Kits.
Allan Geekie is assisting on the project which benefits from the availability of Printed Circuit Boards rather than the normal stripboard.
Full details are available on the North Wales shuttle blog, but you will need to be a member of the Group to access the pages.
Apart from the outlay on the PMP kits, Allan has produced a set of additional parts that include the PCB's, additional components and a 3D printed frame with inserts to assist with mounting.
As you can see from the photograph above, the Kits being used are:
PMP 10 Speed Controller
PMP 4 Simple Shuttle
PMP 15 Station Auto Stop
There is no reason why this cannot be extended further using PMP4a - Shuttle Add on which works in conjunction with PMP 18- Ezypoints.
If you are interested in the PMP 18, I have made up a PCB kit that includes all the parts you will need which you can get for £3.10 plus P&P which is about a pound cheaper than the current Kitlocker price. ONLY available to MERG members while stocks last.
I've asked Allan for the 3D files for the frames and will report back when he replies.
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