A few months ago I produced a batch of Ezypoint kits for our local members to overcome a shortage in the Kitlocker.
At that time the kit was produced on stripboard which some members find problematic. An additional PCB board normally available from MERG was not available either.
Alan Turner ( the PCB designer) had only a few boards available but graciously provided me with the gerber files to allow me to order PCBs directly from China . Having sourced all necessary components, the kits were duly made up.
I find this simple kit is really useful for automation projects.
A toggle switch provides either a HIGH or LOW on the PIC input pin to determine which of the two servo positions is selected.
This involved a rewrite of some of the code in the PIC.
I initially developed the program using an Arduino as a means of testing the logic.
When this was successfully working, I then wrote an on / off LED program in JAL (Just Another Language) and compiled and tested for correct operation.
Finally, I looked at Davy Dick's original program and replaced his looping check for change of switch state function and replaced it with the modified version.
As the only thing that needs to change is the data on the PIC, I have produced another set of the Ezypoint PCB kits in both the original and modified form.
Let me know if you would like any of either version. They are both available to members of our Groups at a lower price than currently offered in the Kit Locker.
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